Supporting rural financial institutions through low cost, high impact digital solutions

Supporting rural financial institutions through low cost, high impact digital solutions

LendXS is the digital credit services platform of Financial Access, which we developed with our technology partner Incentro. Our main focus is to support rural financial institutions with low-cost, high-impact digital process and risk solutions. The LendXS tools include easy-to-use workflow management, digital data collection technology, crop-specific credit scoring tools and loan performance management tools. These allow lenders to improve their credit risk analyses and to make faster, better-informed loan decisions.
The LendXS solutions are tailored to the know-your-client (KYC) and risk assessment policy and process requirements of financial institutions and will result in better balanced, lower risk rural credit portfolios. LendXS can be seamlessly integrated with the IT systems of lenders through tailored APIs. The LendXS services are offered ‘pay-as-you-go’, which makes our solutions considerably more affordable than traditional IT licensing offerings.
We conduct diagnostic assessments of the key operational and risk challenges and identify measures to reduce operational cost, improve risk management and to accelerate new loan origination.
We offer a low-cost SaaS solution for loan origination that includes digital data collection, workflow management, innovative credit scoring and loan portfolio monitoring.
Besides offering continuous technical support we offer our clients training and support on the usage and features of LendXS to maximize the operational performance of their organizations.
Digitize operations to achieve cost efficiency and reduce paper-based processes.
LendXS Collect can be fully tailored to the KYC and data collection processes of each financial institution.
Our solution offers offline data collection, GPS location tracking, picture-taking and built-in data validation functionalities.

Flexible end-to-end workflows between the front and back office to reduce credit turnaround time and improve operational efficiency.
LendXS Track supports all types of credit processes and can be tailored to match specific workflow requirements, including user roles and authorization limits.
Our web dashboard helps streamline loan approvals, track key performance indicators and visualizes them through interactive reports.

Cash-flow-driven credit scoring resulting in better informed credit decisions and lower loan provisions over time.
LendXS Score analyzes the cash flow and repayment capacity of loan applicants to identify key credit risks and build stronger rural lending portfolios.

Building a climate-resilient loan portfolio through cost-effective climate impact assessment.
LendXS Climate helps financial institutions to assess and quantify the impact of climate risk factors (like droughts, flooding and temperature changes) on the production and crop yields of farmers and the impact these have on their cash flows and income. As such, LendXS Climate will help determine the creditworthiness of individual farmers, thereby creating less risky loan portfolios. The solution also reveals opportunities of support for farmers that can help them adapt and transform their farming practices to be more resilient to changing and unpredictable climate conditions.

Flexible and customizable dashboard for real-time financial lending workflows and key performance indicators.
LendXS Impact is a highly customizable web dashboard, which helps in real time to streamline loan approvals, track the lender’s key performance indicators, to monitor efficiency improvements and to visualize them through interactive reports.

An interactive loan management tool that supports lenders to monitor loan repayment and to improve loan recovery management.
LendXS Check is a repayments and loan management tool that supports financial institutions in monitoring their activities of recoveries post loan disbursement. Agri-lenders, banks, saccos and microfinancers can also use this debt collection management tool to track performance of the loan recovery staff tasks against their field activities of following up with defaulting clients.
LendXS Check enables financial institutions with credit risk management by helping them to mitigate loan losses caused by defaulting clients. In return, they are able to benefit from an improved bottom line (profits), enhanced customer management processes, and increased accountability within the institution.

At LendXS, we endorse the core principles of Client Protection Principles. These principles are the minimum standards that clients should expect to receive when doing business with a financial service provider, namely, appropriate product design and delivery, prevention of over-indebtedness, transparency, responsible pricing, fair and respectful treatment of clients, the privacy of client data, mechanisms for complaint resolution, prevention of over-indebtedness. We commit to the Client Protection Principles in the way we operate and relate to our own clients. LendXS digital solutions also play an important role in helping our financial institution clients build the capacity to implement these principles and realize their full potential.
Are you interested to see how LendXS can help your organization?
Fill out the form below and one of our team members will contact you with more information.